So, I get these on the log:
!ToggleConfig: "SomeConfig" exists, but is not available. Please refresh Rainmeter.
!ActivateConfig: "SomeConfig" exists, but is not available. Please refresh Rainmeter.
(No, restarting RM doesn't help).
When I use:
Bang=[!ToggleConfig "SomeConfig" ""]
Bang=[!ActivateConfig "SomeConfig" ""]
The problem seems to be the "" on the file.
For simplicity, here's a test skin:
The reason behind the "" is that I'm actually using InputText to enter a custom bang, this bang is then set to a variable, which variable is then written to the file, since I have the need to allow to specify the optional File, when File is left empty that's the result.
This is because I'm using """Magic Quotes""" on the InputText plugin command:
[!SetVariable BangToWrite """[[#Bang] "[#param1]" "[#param2]"]"""][!WriteKeyValue Variables BangToWrite "[#BangToWrite]"]
!ToggleConfig: "SomeConfig" exists, but is not available. Please refresh Rainmeter.
!ActivateConfig: "SomeConfig" exists, but is not available. Please refresh Rainmeter.
(No, restarting RM doesn't help).
When I use:
Bang=[!ToggleConfig "SomeConfig" ""]
Bang=[!ActivateConfig "SomeConfig" ""]
The problem seems to be the "" on the file.
For simplicity, here's a test skin:
[Rainmeter]Update=-1AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[Variables]Bang=[!ToggleConfig "Illustro\Clock" ""];Bang=[!ActivateConfig "Illustro\Clock" ""][Meter]Meter=StringText=TESTING STRINGSolidColor=0,0,0Padding=10,10,10,10FontColor=255,255,255AntiAlias=1LeftMouseUpAction=#Bang#
This is because I'm using """Magic Quotes""" on the InputText plugin command:
[!SetVariable BangToWrite """[[#Bang] "[#param1]" "[#param2]"]"""][!WriteKeyValue Variables BangToWrite "[#BangToWrite]"]
Statistics: Posted by RicardoTM — Yesterday, 9:55 am — Replies 6 — Views 125