If you drag a skin while an ActionTimer is increasing the dimensions of that skin, a part of the skin is either flickering or not drawn, until you release the mouse. This can be seen in a basic skin like this:Click to expand and then quickly drag the skin on the screen while it's expanding to see the behavior. Curiously, this bug doesn't seem to happen when contracting the skin though.
P.S. The potential bug was discovered by Rooky_89 here. I moved the posts related to this in this section of the forum, just to have them properly organized.
[Variables]H=0Execute=1[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1---Measures---[Slider]Measure=PluginPlugin=ActionTimerActionList1=Repeat SlideDown,2,65SlideDown=[!SetVariable H (Clamp(#H#-10,0,650))][!UpdateMeasure Slider][!UpdateMeter *][!Redraw]ActionList2=Repeat SlideUp,2,65SlideUp=[!SetVariable H (Clamp(#H#+10,0,650))][!UpdateMeasure Slider][!UpdateMeter *][!Redraw]DynamicVariables=1---Meters---[Background]Meter=ShapeShape=Rectangle 0,0,650,(50+#H#),10 | Fill Color 0,0,0,128 | StrokeWidth 2 | Stroke Color 0,0,0,140UpdateDivider=-1LeftMouseUpAction=[!SetVariable Execute (3-#Execute#)][!UpdateMeter Background][!CommandMeasure Slider "Execute [#Execute]"]DynamicVariables=1
P.S. The potential bug was discovered by Rooky_89 here. I moved the posts related to this in this section of the forum, just to have them properly organized.
Statistics: Posted by Yincognito — Yesterday, 9:50 pm — Replies 3 — Views 60