This code makes a picture turn on and off on my screen when I click the button.
I want it to be able to move the picture, but want to have the button at the same place. Ort o be able to move them both independent of each other. Right now they are both fixed in the same place, and I am not able to drag neither of them to differnet places.
This code makes a picture turn on and off on my screen when I click the button.
I want it to be able to move the picture, but want to have the button at the same place. Ort o be able to move them both independent of each other. Right now they are both fixed in the same place, and I am not able to drag neither of them to differnet places.
[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1[MeterON-OFF]Meter=ButtonButtonImage=#@#Images\PacButton.pngButtonCommand=[!ToggleMeter MeterImage1][!UpdateMeter MeterImage1][!Redraw]X=10Y=10[MeterImage1]Meter=ImageImageName=E:\_Daniel\Bild.pngX=300Y=100W=300H=300Hidden=1Layer=0LeftMouseDownAction=[!SetVariable StartImageX #MouseX#][!SetVariable StartImageY #MouseY#][!UpdateMeter MeterImage1][!Redraw]MouseMoveAction=[!SetVariable OffsetImageX #(MouseX - StartImageX)#][!SetVariable OffsetImageY #(MouseY - StartImageY)#][!SetOption MeterImage1 X #(ImageX + OffsetImageX)#][!SetOption MeterImage1 Y #(ImageY + OffsetImageY)#][!UpdateMeter MeterImage1][!Redraw]
Statistics: Posted by Danwan — Today, 9:40 am — Replies 4 — Views 64