RGB Code version 3
Quickly find the color you want with the mouse wheel or by clicking on the palette, copy the RGB code and paste it into your skin settings
UPDATE 3.2024 (1/2024)
New improved design with color palettes to easily get a color tone quickly
8 memory banks to store your favorite colors
DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.deviantart.com/hitbit-pa/art/RGB-Code-811079486
Cursor Color Plugin by Jeffrey Morley
Quickly find the color you want with the mouse wheel or by clicking on the palette, copy the RGB code and paste it into your skin settings
UPDATE 3.2024 (1/2024)
New improved design with color palettes to easily get a color tone quickly
8 memory banks to store your favorite colors
DOWNLOAD LINK https://www.deviantart.com/hitbit-pa/art/RGB-Code-811079486
Cursor Color Plugin by Jeffrey Morley
Statistics: Posted by HiTBiT-PA — 23 minutes ago — Replies 0 — Views 6