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Bugs & Feature Suggestions • [BUG] Inconsistent behaivour with NowPlaying Spotify

Someone on Discord is experiencing a strange series of problems with NowPlaying and Spotify, below is a skin on which this happens, but all skins using NowPlaying are the same


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1[Metadata]Name=MusicinfoAuthor=Version=1.0License=Creative Commons Attribution - Non - Commercial - Share Alike 3.0[Variables]Scale=1[MeasureArtist]Measure=PluginPlugin=NowPlaying.dllPlayerName=SpotifyPlayerType=ARTIST[MeasureTitle]Measure=PluginPlugin=NowPlaying.dllPlayerName=SpotifyPlayerType=TITLE[Micon]Meter=ImageImageName=spotify.pngX=(30*#Scale#)Y=(35*#Scale#)W=(50*#Scale#)H=(50*#Scale#)[MeterTitle]Meter=StringMeasureName=MeasureTitleStringAlign=leftFontFace=Product Sans BoldFontColor=255,255,255,255FontSize=(14*#Scale#)X=(95*#Scale#)Y=(62*#Scale#)W=(600*#Scale#)inlineSetting=Shadow | 0 | 0 | 2.5 | 255,255,255,100Text="%1"AntiAlias=1ClipString=1DynamicVariables=1[MeterArtist]Meter=StringMeasureName=MeasureArtistStringAlign=leftFontFace=Product Sans BoldFontColor=255,255,255,200FontSize=(18*#Scale#)X=(95*#Scale#)Y=(30*#Scale#)inlineSetting=Shadow | 0 | 0 | 3 | 255,255,255,100Text="%1"AntiAlias=1ClipString=1DynamicVariables=1
Sadly, there is no pattern to any of this that I could follow, the 3 things the user managed to find out are:
(videos are gonna direct download, sorry for that)In the first video, there's WebNowPlaying example skin just to show that it gets the info fine and the issue is only with NowPlaying, WNP uses Windows.Media.Control to get its info instead of NowPlaying just reading the Window Title. The user reports that this only happened recently on Win11, reinstalling Spotify dose nothing and the Spotify ad blocker they used just worked fine and this is happening even after they uninstalled it.

Statistics: Posted by Jeff — Yesterday, 3:57 pm — Replies 0 — Views 163

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