Someone on Discord is experiencing a strange series of problems with NowPlaying and Spotify, below is a skin on which this happens, but all skins using NowPlaying are the same Sadly, there is no pattern to any of this that I could follow, the 3 things the user managed to find out are:
(videos are gonna direct download, sorry for that)
(videos are gonna direct download, sorry for that)
- When Spotify is first started, skins using NowPlaying report the info just fine, however, after closing the Spotify process and opening it again, NowPlaying just stops working, waiting the 5s for the info update, as stated in PlayerSpotify.cpp, just dose nothing, not even restarting Rainmeter fixes it (video)
- The window title becomes Spotify Free when the player is paused (image)
- Sometimes, out of the random, in a blue moon, when a neutron star hits us with beams, the song title returns, but the song artist dosen't, and the Spotify window title updates again (video)
Statistics: Posted by Jeff — Yesterday, 3:57 pm — Replies 0 — Views 163