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Help: Rainmeter Skins • Help with getting HueShift based on Process Uptime instead of System Uptime

First Post!
I've been working to modify the TimeWeather skin from the Thrivery pack so that the color of the Date has a RGB HueShift that cycles over time to match my lively wallpaper that does the same.

I've got the color shift working (YAY) but not exactly how I would like it to run. (That said, hopefully my code below should be enough to help someone else implement this).
Presently, HueStart is based upon SystemUptime, which in Windows 11, continues to run on a normal shutdown with FastBoot/Fast Startup enabled.
(Yes, turning that setting off would probably be the easiest option, but let's ignore that haha).
Instead, I would like to base HueStart based on the uptime that Explorer.EXE has been running, especially since Lively crashes anyways if you restart Explorer.

I'm definitely a C- student with coding, not a C++ student (yay puns) and would appreciate the help.
Based on my conversations with ChatGPT, I'm supposed to have DLL plugins for both SysInfo and Processes, but I can't seem to find those available to download anywhere. Are those something needed or are the integrated into Rainmeter by default?

The following link works for pulling information of uptime of a process using PowerShell, I'm just not sure how to do it and tie it to what I'm trying for Rainmeter.

Here is my code so far, again, the HueShift works, I just want HueStart to pull from something other than Time/mTime or whatever.

Variables.inc (From Thrivery Suite)


[Variables]Latitude=40.4681367Longitude=-99.4264104APIKey=21d8a80b3d6b444998a80b3d6b1449d3URL=https://api.weather.com/v3/aggcommon/v3-wx-observations-current;v3-location-point;v3-wx-forecast-daily-15day?format=json&geocode=#Latitude#,#Longitude#&units=#Units#&language=#Language#&apiKey=#APIKey#Language=en-USUnits=eSpeedUnit=MphTimeFormat=%I:%M %pLineClockW=450HiddenDrives=1FontFace=Segoe UIFontColor=255,255,255FontColor2=255,255,255,200FontColor3=191,216,242,255FontEffectColor=0,0,0,50;WeatherFontWeather=ITC Avant Garde Std Bk CnWeatherColor=255,255,255;SystemFontSystem=ITC Avant Garde Std Bk CnSystemColor=255,255,255FrameColor=245,245,245Drive1=C:Drive2=D:Drive3=E:;TIME TimeFontTime=ITC Avant Garde Pro MdTimeFontMonth=ITC Avant Garde Pro MdTimeFontWeekDay=ITC Avant Garde Pro MdTimeFontDay=Bebas Neue BoldTimeColorTime=255,255,255TimeColorMonth=255,255,255TimeColorWeekDay=255,255,255TimeColorLine=255,255,255;The Color shift for "TimeColorDay" is the entirety of the code below;The Peroid of time is currently set at a value intended to match a 13m10s video cycle (Period=0.219444444);HueStart can be edited on the fly so you can dial the setting in without rebooting constantly, just refresh the widget afterwards; Starting color/hue [0 - 5]; 0 = Red, 1 = Orange, 2 = Yellow, 3 = Green, 4 = Blue, 5 = Magenta; In-between values permitted (e.g. 3.5 would be a cyan color)HueStart=2.35; Value [0 - 255]Val=255; Saturation [0 - 1]Sat=1.0; ChromaC=#Val#*#Sat#; Direction of hue rotation; (1) = Forward, (-1) = BackwardHueDir=(1); Range of hue rotation [0 - 6]; 6 = full spectrum, 1 = one color, 2 = two colors, etc. ; (of the 6 primary/secondary colors)HueRange=6; Period of time (in hours) over which the color rotates [0-24]Period=0.219444444; colors (hue rotation)TimeColorDay="[R1:0],[G1:0],[B1:0]"[mTime]Measure=Time[cHue1]Group=HueMeasure=CalcFormula=(#HueStart#+6+#HueDir#*#HueRange#*FRAC(mTime/(3600*#Period#)))%6[X1]Measure=CalcFormula=(#C#*(1-ABS(cHue1%2-1)))[R1]Measure=CalcFormula=(cHue1<1) ? (#Val#) : ((cHue1<2) ? (X1+#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<3) ? (#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<4) ? (#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<5) ? (X1+#Val#-#C#) : (#Val#) ))))[G1]Measure=CalcFormula=(cHue1<1) ? (X1+#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<2) ? (#Val#) : ((cHue1<3) ? (#Val#) : ((cHue1<4) ? (X1+#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<5) ? (#Val#-#C#) : (#Val#-#C#) ))))[B1]Measure=CalcFormula=(cHue1<1) ? (#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<2) ? (#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<3) ? (X1+#Val#-#C#) : ((cHue1<4) ? (#Val#) : ((cHue1<5) ? (#Val#) : (X1+#Val#-#C#) ))))
Any help would be appreciated.

Statistics: Posted by WandererTJ — Yesterday, 4:04 pm — Replies 4 — Views 97

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