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Help: Rainmeter Skins • No color change on the shape with corresponding value

Even at the risk of being beaten to death ... I'm actually still working on another of my skins where I've already called for help here. But I need a break from this one at the moment.
PS to Yincognito: I'll answer you in the other topic in the near :-)

Anyway, I've already started working on the next skin for my suite today. But as the devil will have it, he's annoying me.
It's about the color of the button changing to green when Firefox is open. Another part of the button should also turn green, but even blink.
The part that should turn green and blink works. However, the "only" green part of the button does not turn green when Firefox is active.

My guess is that I probably have to work with "Nested Variables" here, but it's just a guess. This is due to the fact that before the color change such as the flashing of the button takes place, I exchange some values via the MouseOverAction and MouseLeaveAction, as well as LeftMouseUpAction.

This causes a problem somewhere, and I don't know why.

Anyway, if I have to work with "Nested Variables", then *cough* I think I should ask for a help example on a silver platter. Because I absolutely don't understand the "Nested Variables". Even some posts here in the forum or on the Rainmeter documentation page don't make me any smarter.

But before I write any more novels, here's the part of the code where the devil ruins my day O.O


[Rainmeter]Update=1000AccurateText=1DynamicWindowSize=1OnRefreshAction=[!EnableMeasureGroup mNAEX][!UpdateMeasureGroup mNAEX][!UpdateMeasureGroup mAPPCHECK][!UpdateMeterGroup ICONS][!UpdateMeterGroup BTNs][!Redraw][!Delay 500][!DisableMeasureGroup mNAEX][Variables]Images1=#@#images\Images2=#@#images\apps\FontFace=Courier Prime SansFontWeight=700Width=80Height=14W=110H=317FS3=12Alpha0=1Alpha1=70Alpha2=130Alpha3=255Color0=0,0,0,Color1=255,255,255,Color2=253,193,0,Color3=200,0,0,Color4=64,64,64,Color5=255,104,67,Color6=0,255,0,Color7=200,200,200,Color8=15,255,168,Color9=100,100,100,Browser=C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe;============================================;============================================[StAPP1ICO]ImageName=#Images2#[mAPP1].pngImageTint=#Color0##Alpha1#ImageAlpha=#Alpha2#Greyscale=1AntiAlias=1W=44H=44UpdateDivider=-1Container=CON_BTN1_ICOGroup=ICONS[StAPP1LABEL]Padding=0,-6,0,-5SolidColor=#Color0##Alpha0#FontColor=#Color7##Alpha2#FontFace=#FontFace1#FontWeight=#FontWeight#FontSize=#FS3#StringCase=UPPERStringAlign=LEFTText=BROWSERAntiAlias=1ClipString=2ClipStringW=#Width#ClipStringH=#Height#UpdateDivider=-1Group=BTN1 | BTNs;============================================;============================================[mAPP1]Measure=STRINGString=#Browser#RegExpSubstitute=1Substitute="\\(.*)\\":"","^.:":"","...\D$":""Disabled=1Group=mNAEX;=== MEASURES CHECK APP 1 ====================[mAPP1CHECK]Measure=PLUGINPlugin=ProcessProcessName=[mAPP1].exeSubstitute="-1":"#Color7#","1":"#Color6#"IfCondition=(mAPP1Check = 1)IfTrueAction= [!EnableMeasure  mAPP1BTNFL][!UpdateMeasureGroup mAPPCHECK][!UpdateMeterGroup BTN1][!Redraw]IfFalseAction=[!DisableMeasure mAPP1BTNFL][!UpdateMeasureGroup mAPPCHECK][!UpdateMeterGroup BTN1][!Redraw]OnChangeAction=[!Update *]DynamicVariables=1Group=mAPPCHECK[mAPP1BTNFL]Measure=CALCFormula=(1-mAPP1BTNFL)Substitute="0":"#Alpha1#","1":"#Alpha3#"Disabled=1DynamicVariables=1Group=mAPPCHECK;==================================================;=== CONTAINER FOR APP-LAUNCHER ===================;==================================================[CONTAINER_ALB]Meter=IMAGESolidColor=#Color1##Alpha3#W=#W#H=#H#X=0Y=0UpdateDivider=-1;==================================================;=== APP BUTTONS LAUNCHER =========================;==================================================;=== APP 1 BUTTON =================================[APP1_BTN]Meter=SHAPEX=0Y=0Shape= Rectangle 1  ,1 ,100,40,0,0 | Extend FRAMEShape2=Rectangle 3  ,3 ,96 ,36,0,0 | Extend BTNBGShape3=Rectangle 89 ,35,10  ,4,0,0 | Extend LED1Shape4=Rectangle 106,0 ,4  ,42,0,0 | Extend LED1FRAME=StrokeWidth 2 | Fill Color #Color0##Alpha0# | Stroke Color [mAPP1CHECK]#Alpha2# BTNBG=StrokeWidth 0 | Fill Color [mAPP1CHECK]#Alpha1# LED1 =StrokeWidth 0 | Fill Color [mAPP1CHECK][mAPP1BTNFL]MouseOverAction=  [!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# FRAME "StrokeWidth 2 | Fill Color #Color0##Alpha0# | Stroke Color     #Color2##Alpha3#"][!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# BTNBG "StrokeWidth 0 | Fill Color     #Color2##Alpha2#"][!SetOption APP1_LABEL FontColor "#Color0##Alpha3#"][!UpdateMeterGroup BTN1][!Redraw]MouseLeaveAction= [!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# FRAME "StrokeWidth 2 | Fill Color #Color0##Alpha0# | Stroke Color [mAPP1CHECK]#Alpha2#"][!SetOption #CURRENTSECTION# BTNBG "StrokeWidth 0 | Fill Color [mAPP1CHECK]#Alpha1#"][!SetOption APP1_LABEL FontColor "#Color7##Alpha2#"][!UpdateMeterGroup BTN1][!Redraw]LeftMouseUpAction=[!CommandMeasure VoiceOutput "#BrowserSpeech#"][!Delay 1000]["#Browser#"]UpdateDivider=1DynamicVariables=1Container=CONTAINER_ALBGroup=BTN1 | BNTs[CON_BTN1_ICO]Meter=SHAPEX=rY=rShape= Rectangle 3  ,3 ,96 ,36,0,0 | Extend BTNBGBTNBG=StrokeWidth 0   | Fill Color #Color7##Alpha1# UpdateDivider=-1DynamicVariables=1[APP1_ICO]Meter=IMAGEMeterStyle=StAPP1ICOX=rY=r[APP1_LABEL]Meter=STRINGMeterStyle=StAPP1LABELX=10rY=16r
The error or problem probably lies somewhere between the [mAPP1CECK]-Measure and the [APP1_BTN]-Meter.
The color values are exchanged by said mouse actions, where it ultimately does not work that the Extend FRAME and Extend BTNBG have the green color value, as well as the flashing when Firefox is open.

Ok, I hope I have described my problem as well as I can. If not -> :x <- get out and ask me :oops:

On end of this Post is an screenshot. There you can see that the Extend LED1 Shapes are green (and also blinking ... of course not in the screenshot :Whistle )
BUT the button itself remains gray.
Here the Extend FRAME and Extend BTNBG should now also color them green, but this does NOT happen. :???: :confused:

Statistics: Posted by Youkai1977 — Today, 12:19 am — Replies 0 — Views 9

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